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End of Day One: (1) Thank you — (2) ZOOM Audio — (3) "Selected Scenes" (7 min)

What a great first day!

(1) Parents — Thank You!

We couldn’t do it without you!

(2) ZOOM Audio / MUTE issues

A few technical requests.


  • When your scholar first arrives, check that your scholar’s AUDIO (a wee microphone icon, bottom left) is ON (and not X’d out) — s/he will not be muted by Dr. Cat upon entry to meetings

  • Request that your scholar, “Not change the microphone setting — let Dr. Cat do that, and ONLY Dr. Cat


If scholars are also un/muting at their end, at times we waste a lot of time unmuting scholars.

(3) Day 1: Selected Scenes video (7 min)

Highlights include Anna’s pet leopard and Chasen’s skateboard ramp.

Video at 2G VIDEOS.

It occurred to me while editing this that… this month may be the most video-documented month of your child’s life — ever!

Warmest aloha!